Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Registration and Memorials

You know when summer is almost over when Junior High registration is occurring. Although I did not need to go, I was there for most of the day watching the kids come in and they were also realizing that their summer is almost over. It is also funny to see the seventh graders come in and they are a little overwhelmed. It is quite a transition from Elementary School. There is less than two weeks until school starts. August 19 is the day. Should be lots of fun.

Today is also the one year anniversary of the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse. I can't really believe that was a year ago. My heart and prayers still go out to the 6 that died in the collapse and the 3 that were killed in the rescue. I also hope that those that were injured while trying to rescue their co-workers are also doing well. It always reminds me of my brother-in-law who also died in a mining accident 4 1/2 years ago. It was not an accident like the Crandall Canyon mine, but it still took the life of a loved one. We still love and miss him.

Here is a video about the memorial and sorry about the ad that precedes it.

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