Friday, November 21, 2008

Penny Wars FInal Total

Our Penny War ended today at the Junior High. It was funny, the seventh graders finally caught on how to work it and started quite a stash of their own. For the most part, the eighth graders were out of it, and the lost pretty bad. The ninth graders also had a pretty big stash. In the end, the 7th and 9th graders tied. It was pretty amazing. Over $500 in pennies were brought in. On top of that $1000 in other coins and bills were brought in. The grand total was $1498.32. About $800 of that was brought in just today. Boy, it sure is a lot of fun to count and roll all those coins. The $1500 was more than double our goal. So that means that me and another teacher are going to be duct taped to the wall. We haven't set a date for that, but it will be in the next couple of weeks and I will definitely post pictures and maybe a video of that. The $1500 means that each student brought in just over $6. Now we know that not all kids brought in money and others brought in a lot more than that. . This total was also the most money that was raised in any given fundraiser ever at our Junior High. I would just like to thank everyone that helped out with the Penny Wars. What a great community that we have here. The money raised will definitely help out with our faculty member's medical bills and I'm sure that he will appreciate it greatly.

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